It’s 6pm on the Beast Coast.
I’m still at work producing a passion package on a simple little segment about a gelato shop in DC.
Everyone has gone home.
I’ve been working since 5am today, and the heft of my eyelids weighs heavy …
I have a moment of dejavu.
20 years ago I was sitting at my desk in the Dimond Center waiting for Nino and Ricardo to get out of Tae Kwon Do. The parking lot covered in a blanket of snow
and as I often am,
I am alone…
happily making honey in the hive,
buzzing busy in my din,
which has always been
a little bit lonely.
20 years later and I’m wondering whether I’ve moved at all.
I reached out to reminisce with a friend,
and Kevin Underwood reminded me
“Remember when you used to roll to work in the subaru and it didn’t even have windows?
You’ve evolved so much.
You sit alone because you CHOOSE to.”
I’m sitting here inside my answered prayers,
dripped in honey
happily buzzing
loving the work along the way.
Thank you for today …
the last 46 years of yesterdays
and every gift of tomorrow.
Thank you for my family who sustains me
friends who never let me linger in “alone”
And Thank you YAH for The Honey Comb.